Most people don’t realize just how much work owning a farm can be until they get one. Whether you are looking for tractors for sale QLD, NSW, VIC, or any other state, farm work is hard work wherever you are. Hand tools with only you for power are not enough, horses can only get you so far, so the only option you have is to invest in a tractor. Operating a tractor can be work in itself, it requires the driver to have full knowledge of how it operates as to be able to use it safely and correctly. If you are someone who is new to this then it can be a bit daunting, but once you learn how to operate it correctly you’ll be wondering how you ever lived without it. Below is a guide to everything you need to know about tractors:
One of the first questions most people will ask is does a tractor pay off? You need to calculate the size of your acreage and the need you have for a tractor. If you have a smaller piece of land that is manageable by animals grazing and occasional yard work then maybe this isn’t the best option for you. If you have land bigger than 5 acres that is rugged and your animals can’t graze everywhere, then it sounds pretty perfect for a tractor. Of course, you know better than anyone all the tasks that you need to complete on your farm, so you should base your choice on what a tractor can do for you and how much time and money you’ll be saving by managing your farm with a tractor.
The next question you should ask is what tractor is suitable for your set up. It’s very different from choosing a car as a tractor is all about work. Make a list of all the jobs you need to do and let that be the deciding factor. You want to invest in a tractor that can do a little more than the needs on your list so you always have enough power for any occasional bigger goals. You need to pick a tractor and have realistic expectations while you do so. If all you need is to mow your grass then choose one with a lower horsepower, if you need it for a variety of tasks, then you will probably need something with a much stronger horsepower. Your choice of tractor should always be based on what tasks you need to do.
Apart from the tractor itself, there are certain pieces of equipment you will need to buy as an addition. This equipment is usually attached in three different ways: the first is with a drawbar, the second is through the power takeoff, and the third by a hydraulic system.
Some of the most common equipment that is needed are manure spreaders which are usually used for disposing of animal waste. Mowers which come in different types are meant for cutting grass or crops in different ways. A front end loader which is a tool that is used to scoop, haul, dump, or even push heavy materials. A chain harrow is used to break up pasture or dethatch turf. A scraper blade is used to level earth or move it around as well as fill out uneven turf. A post hole digger is used if you plan on putting in fences. Lastly haymaking equipment which is used for crushing hay stems after they’ve been cut.
You should remember if you are looking for tractors for sale QLD, NSW, VIC or whichever other states you may be in, make sure that the tractor you are looking to invest in is working properly. If you are buying a tractor for the first time, you might need to take someone along with you who understands them better. Always take the tractor you are buying on a test drive, there are also certain signs that a tractor may not be working properly that you should look out for. A tractor is a necessity for anyone who is working a farm, it’s an investment that you will not regret.