Simple Guide To Choosing An Excavator

If you want to ease your construction activities, then you must consider buying an excavator. This powerful machine, also known as digger or a 360-degree excavator, is used for digging into the ground and moving earth or debris. But that’s not all, the excavator can do much more, whether you need it for demolition, construction work, crushing cement and digging into rivers, this is a perfect machine for you. Since you will need the excavator for light or heavier industrial and construction works, you must buy one that includes all you need. You will find different types of excavator models on the market, however not all of them come with the attachments you need. In order to choose the right excavator, follow our simple guide that can help you a lot in your buying process.

Simple Guide To Choosing An Excavator

Choose The Right Size – The size of the excavator depends on the work you plan to do. Excavators come in three sizes on the market, small, large and mid-range excavators. If you plan to do heavier jobs that require greater earth moving and lifting power, then the large excavator is the right one for you. However, if you plan to use the excavator only for clearing brushes and dig pools, then a small excavating machine will do the job.

Excavator Types – Next you should consider the excavator type. You can find six popular types of excavators on the market these days. Which one will attract your eyes, will depend on their functions and capabilities. Before you make the final decision, check the functions of every excavator model, including:

  • Skid Steer – The main purpose of this excavator is to clear scrub and brush small areas
  • Backhoe – If you need a machine that is powerful enough to lift small amounts of debris or to dig into a river, then the backhoe type is the one you need
  • Steam Shovel – This is a medium sized machine that can help you to move items from one location to another.
  • Bucket Wheel – Excavator that can scoop large debris and move it from one place to another via conveyor.
  • Suction – Perfect for driving through oddly shaped terrains, as well as a powerful excavator with a suction hose that vacuums up debris.

Excavator Attachments – If you are involved in the construction industry, then you should consider a large sized excavator that is designed to be used with various attachments. The attachments are attached with a metal cable right on the boom arm of the excavator. Attachments like saws, pincers, rakes or stump splitters are a must when planning to move fallen logs, rocks and for removing debris from rivers and lakes.

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