Fantasy literature books are ones with stories set in an imaginary universe. Usually, these books lack locations and even events and people from the real world. As the speculative fiction genre they’re all about, the themes usually involve supernatural, imaginary and magic creatures and worlds. The best thing of all is that these books can be designed for both children and adults, allowing each to improve their imagination even more.
A gripping fantasy book explores the impossible and will leave you thirsty for more. It’s one that makes it impossible to leave it. To be good and catchy, the book has to have good storytelling, intriguing characters and a good narrative/voice. Readers love the idea of relating to some of the characters and also of being able to transport to a completely different place and time. To make the most of this, you should invest in a book written by a reliable and already proven writer in the field.
As we all know, such books can help you transport to a completely new world, allowing you to imagine and create images in your head. They are perfect for unwinding, especially after a long and busy day. All it takes is to just grab your favourite one, lay on the couch, sit in the armchair or relax in your hot tub with it in one hand and a refreshing drink in the other. The enjoyment and relaxation with a book like this is guaranteed. Here are a few notable examples.
If you are a fan of the Black Panther comics, you would probably enjoy this all-new re-imagining of the original comics. This book is about the great T’Challa and his way back to Wakanda to show his home to Monica Lynne. Unfortunately, he finds only violence in the streets, frustrated and unhappy people, and the name Killmonger that follows him like a shadow everywhere he goes.
Wakanda’s king must travel the savannah, into its deepest jungles and up the snowy mountains of his homeland, to help his people and defeat the enemy. This book will help you discover the life and culture of the Wakandans and will also help you see how T’Challa channels the strength of his ancient bloodline to take out enemies like Erik Killmonger.
The Beren and Luthien book will reunite fans of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings with Elves and Men, Dwarves and Orcs. This book tells the epic tale of Beren and Lúthien, which is an essential element in the evolution of The Silmarillion, the myths and legends of the First Age of the World written by J.R.R. Tolkien. This book tells a love story of Beren, who is a mortal man, and Lúthien, who is an immortal Elf.
Her father was a great Elvish lord and was in deep opposition to Beren. He gave him an impossible task to perform before marrying Lúthien. At first, this book seems like an ordinary book, but those who love Tolkien know that in his books and movies nothing is simple and ordinary. This book contains lots of fantasy written in a catchy way, making it difficult to put it down.
The apparently ordinary love story leads to the heroic attempt of Beren and Lúthien to rob the greatest of all evil beings, Melkor, called Morgoth, which is the Black Enemy of a Silmaril. The book was edited by Christopher Tolkien, and he has attempted to extract the story of Beren and Lúthien and show it in the best possible light. He managed to tell the story in his father’s own words by giving its original form and then passages in prose and verse from later texts that show a changed narrative.
This is the first novel in the Song of Ice and Fire series from George R.R Martin. They are fantasy-based books that are captivating and hard not to love if you’re into books of this genre. In this particular book, the author shows different events and different points of view, and he also shows the plotlines of the noble houses of Westeros, the great Targaryens and the Wall. As the name implies, this book is the basis for the first season of the popular HBO series Game of Thrones, which continues to be a success to this day.
This novel is also known as The Kingkiller Chronicle: Day One. It’s a fantasy novel, the first one of the amazing trilogy The Kingkiller Chronicle, and it begins with the main character Kvothe, currently known as Kote, who has a captivating life. He’s a gifted and determined protagonist who, through his trials and triumphs, shows the foundation of the epic and enthralling fantasy saga.