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A Simple Guide to What Makes Fly Screens Useful

Summertime in Australia and the living is easy…and a little bit busy chasing bugs and so many other flying, crawling and buzzing “delights”. You just want to open a window to let some fresh air in, but that’s not all that gets in, is it? Insects can be a real problem during the warmer months and in order to avoid those annoying little creatures, we avoid opening a window either at night while sleeping or during the day when one desperately needs a bit of fresh breeze. Read More →

Eucalyptus Essential Oils: Create Harmony Between Body and Mind

Being used for hundreds of years and being particularly popular among the Indigenous Aboriginals, eucalyptus essential oils are also the saving grace of many people in the world of today. Besides being used for different medical purposes, such as colds, fever and body pain, the use of this miraculous oil most certainly does not end there.

Nowadays, people use eucalyptus oils for almost everything related to the respiratory system due to its antiviral, antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and decongestant properties. These features make it extremely effective in treating colds, bronchitis, asthma, and so on. Let’s take a closer look at some of the other ways you could use eucalyptus essential oils to boost your overall well-being. Read More →

spotless restaurant

Simple Guide to Keeping Your Restaurant Spotless

Isn’t it incredible how much of our lives revolves around food? No matter the diet we might be having, getting the necessary nutrients on a daily basis is crucial for surviving. Having this in mind, it shouldn’t come as a surprise the food businesses are among the most lucrative there are, and Australia as the land of business successes (especially the small ones), makes for a pleasant environment to dream big and make it happen in the realm of food.

Out of all the different food business trends, restaurants are still among the most popular options. A word of caution though is to remember that about 60% of the restaurants close up within three years, so it’s needless to say it’s necessary to adopt the right strategy to make your story a successful one, including trying out groundbreaking changes such as setting an informal tone, with no bookings, and focusing on fresh produce. What you also can’t forget is the exact role hygiene has in this success and make it your habit to invest in the adequate commercial cleaning chemicals.

Cleaning is as important as cooking for a restaurant, so having the bits and pieces of cleaning products is the first step to having a spotless restaurant. What this means is you can’t skimp on getting the needed chemicals for the floor, the furniture, the kitchen (products for cleaning glassware, machinery, and surfaces), and the toilets. Great thing about the wide range of commercial cleaning chemicals today is there are those organic choices too in case you are concerned about chemicals.

As soon as you have the whole cleaning equipment, it’s time to set the cleaning ethics and hand out chores for every member of the staff. While this would make the place safe from bacteria and pest infestation, it’s bound to make every employee feel part of the team. While one is taking care of the thorough sanitising of the surfaces, and freezers, others are cleaning the floors, machinery, and glassware. Regular cleaning is essential in preventing accidents as well as protecting the machinery from costly repairs and damage.

Lastly, if you want to lose customers easily, keep the toilets dirty. Yes, thought it might not be so apparent, customers get an impression about a place based on the degree of cleanliness of the toilets which is why you can’t exclude them from the daily cleaning chores list. You can take it a step further by adding hand sanitisers around.

Hot Tub

A Simple Guide to Dealing with Hot Tub Leaks

A hot tub was something I wanted for years. But living in a tiny apartment in the city meant I could barely squeeze a sofa, let along a whole hot tub. Imagine my delight when I finally moved into my new house and discovered how enormous my terrace was. There was only one thing on my mind – Finally, I have the perfect place to make my wish a reality. And oh, how amazing it is to have a hot tub on your terrace. You get to soak in warm, bubbly water while you soak up the delightful sun rays. This, combined with a spectacular view makes for quite a magical feeling. If you ever have the opportunity to add a hot tub to your terrace, I strongly encourage you to do so. Read More →

Nashua Gaffer Tape

A Simple Guide to the Usefulness of Gaffer Tape in Theatre

Gaffer tape or gaffer’s tape is believed to be named for the chief electrician responsible for the lighting on stage productions and film sets. Even though a lot of people confuse it with duck tape, the simple and easy to remember the difference between them is that duck tape usually has a backing made from vinyl or some other sort of plastic, whereas gaffer tape has a backing made from fabric.
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pet shipping 2

A Simple Guide to Overseas Pet Shipping

International pet transport can be a very complicated and stressful process for both your pet and yourself. A lot of countries won’t allow your pet to enter, or they may impose a long quarantine period. The best way to make the process less complicated and stressful is to contact an international pet transporting agency. International pet transporters or brokers are professionals in this area, who can go through the entire process for you, and save you a lot of time and nerves.

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Cafe Chairs: Choose Right, Your Success Depends on It!

Opening a cafe requires a lot of dedication and careful planning. Of course, finding the ideal coffee recipes that will make you stand out is incredibly important for your success, so it’s only logical that you’ll want to focus your attention on assembling the perfect menu. However, don’t let seating end up on the bottom of your list. You can have the best tasting drinks, but if people feel uncomfortable lounging at your place, you might as well close up immediately. Read More →

Outsourcing Your IT Services

A Simple Guide to the Benefits of Outsourcing Your IT Services

Running a business is not an easy task, regardless of size. In fact, one could argue that small to medium businesses require more attention and involvement from the managers and owners. That being said, things get even more complicated when running a business that involves plenty of computer work. Why? Simply because it requires attention and skills that you or your employees might not posses. So how should the average small or medium business owner deal with all the IT related stuff? Simple, by outsourcing it.

Australian businesses rely heavily on their financial processes, customer relationship management, document creation and accounting. In order to ensure everything runs smoothly, you can turn to Australian IT services companies that do outsourcing. An Australian IT services company that does outsourcing can be beneficial to businesses of all sizes, some of the benefits include:

More Control and Reduced Costs

When you outsource your businesses IT functions, you’ll be able to better control your costs by paying a monthly fee. That way, you know what your expenditures are and they won’t fluctuate from month to month. Moreover, you take advantage of the lower cost structures and their expertise. If you have your own IT department, things can get quite expensive – hiring processes, health insurances and salaries are all subject to fluctuation. Lastly, you can rent hardware and software from the outsourced IT company, such as servers, and even have them located securely and safely 24/7. All of this substantially lowers your businesses running and maintenance costs.

Focus on YOUR Business

Regardless what kind of business you’re running, you should focus on what you do best, and leave the IT department to IT people. Every company has limited resource, and outsourcing your IT department will allow you to focus your resources towards your main goals, which can provide a greater return. You free up resources, time and manpower and concentrate them on what makes your business grow and become successful.

Access to Most Sophisticated Technology

A quality IT service provider has access and knowledge of the latest, most sophisticated technology, which they bring to your business. Software, hardware and the expertise on how to properly use them can be an invaluable asset. IT service provides typically employ people who are experts in different IT support areas, so they have everything covered.

Minimising Risk

An outsourced IT service provider will keep your IT environment up-to-date, ensure all the backups are functioning, audit your inventory and push out patches. They’re also responsible for minimising downtime in case of hardware failures, software crushes, spyware and malware intrusions and database corruption.

Towing Mirrors

A Simple Guide to Towing Mirrors

If you’re looking for a towing mirror, you’ll come across a wide selection – from removable to permanent fittings, flat glass or convex and extra features such as inbuilt indicators and heating. All of these option can make the buying process slightly confusing for the first time buyer, so it’s best you do some homework before you start looking, in order to make the best choice possible. Read More →

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