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Simple Guide to Travel Photography Equipment

The world is full of amazing places to see and experience, and being a professional photographer or someone who genuinely enjoys this craft as a hobby, is an additional perk of freezing that beauty in time with a single shot. Whether it’s amazing mountains, beaches that take the breath away, wild life scenery or a modern concrete jungle type of beauty, taking the perfect photo asks not just for skills and knowledge but also for the right equipment.

Professional photographers know it; entering a photography equipment store is like entering Wonderland; all types of lenses, funny looking pieces for balancing your camera like tripods, printing equipment and all types of cameras you can possibly think of. It may not sound like Wonderland to all of you who prefer their smartphone cameras for taking a photo or a selfie, but for people who still enjoy a good photography on paper, this is a true experience. So, how do you pick the right travel photography equipment? Read More →

Sun Protection for Fishermen

Sun Protection Buying Guide for Fishermen


Sun exposure provides more benefits for your health than you could imagine. In fact, studies have shown that sun exposure improves: mood, bone health, brain function, quality of sleep and the immune system. Also, spending time in the sun may help you lower your blood pressure level, ease mild anxiety and depression, heal some skin conditions and reduce the risk of certain types of cancer associated with vitamin D deficiency such as breast, ovarian and colon cancer.

In spite of all the health benefits we’ve mentioned, keep in mind that moderation is the key for good skin health, especially if you are a professional angler who spends a lot of time out in the sun. In that case you should strive to get the positive and avoid the negative effects of sun exposure. In order to do so, you should buy quality straw hat, comfortable and protective clothes, high-quality sunscreen and affordable fishing sunglasses. Speaking of negative effects, what you need to know is that prolonged sun exposure can cause several forms of skin damage, the most common of which: sunburn, premature skin aging and skin cancer as well as certain eye diseases such as: cataracts, age-related macular degeneration and even eye cancer.

With that being said, there’s no doubt that you should protect your skin with high-quality, protective sunscreen lotion and your eyes with affordable fishing sunglasses.

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Here’s Why You Should Turn Your Passion for Travel & Tourism Into a Career

The world is full of amazing things showing us just how large and limitless the human mind and imagination can be, and how majestic Mother Nature really is. And all that beauty should be researched, explored and eventually seen. If I were to ask you to say from the top of your head which profession enables seeing most of the world, what would you say? CEO? Very rich music and movie stars who travel the world because they can afford it? Or, travel agents and tour guides with passion for travelling greater than the universe?
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The Only Home Lighting Online Guide You Will Ever Need

Lighting plays an important role in the ambience and mood of a room, just as much as décor and art. Every room in your house or apartment should have the right lighting so you can achieve the effect you want. Below we’ll go over certain tips and tricks you can do to achieve the perfect lighting for your home.

The first thing you should know is that there are three different types of lighting we use to create a different ambiance:
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Simple Guide To Shade Sails

If you are a person who enjoys spending time outdoors, then you probably love spending time in your yard or veranda. Breathing in some fresh air and being at one with your surroundings can be quite the favourable pastime. This may not always be possible, depending on the weather. However, there is something you can buy (if you have not already), which is designed to ensure no sun or rain can stop you from your favourite activity. That very something is the shade sail. Read More →


Childrens Play Equipment: An Investment Your Child Will Enjoy for Many Years

It would be nice to have a small amusement park in your backyard so that your children are occupied the entire day playing, laughing and screaming of joy. It would also be nice to have a nanny employed for keeping them safe while they play and give them food, while you do all the chores in the house, do your hair and nails, and even have a relaxing massage. Ah, the dreams of every full-time mother on the planet.


While it’s hardly possible to have an amusement park in your background, it’s very easily achievable to have a small playground that can still keep your kids busy for a while, and give you enough time to at least get the house in order. You don’t really need a lot of stuff, kids can be busy and happy and entirely turn off the world around them with just some play swings. But hey, if you want to get more elements (great for you if you can and have the conditions for a larger playground) please finish that project. Your kids will be endlessly happy. So, before you rush into buying random childrens play equipment, consider these few guidelines. Read More →


Simple Guide to Choosing Colourful Artwork

In this guide, I will help you turn the search for the perfect art print for your home into a valuable experience that will bring you closer to the world of art and knowledgeable buyers. Read on to find out more about the three most important pieces of advice one has to keep in mind when buying prints from the vast world of art: Read More →

Outdoor bar chairs

Bar Stool Buying Guide: Choosing the Right Bar Stool Height

Since casual entertaining at home became a real thing back in the 1950’s, bar stools gained huge popularity and now are an inevitable part of every kitchen design, living room bars and even balconies. Quite understandable really – the pleasure of sitting on a high bar stool, faced towards a glass wall and enjoying a glass of wine or a cup of coffee, priceless.

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Why Xylitol Should be IN and Sugar OUT (of your cart)

You probably overlook that one small tablespoon of sugar you put in your morning coffee, then that other one you put in your afternoon tea, then the sugar you consume through pastries because hey, that’s not raw sugar right? And when you do your math, it comes out that you’ve had only one large spoon of sugar today, and that’s way to little to be harmful. Well, newsflash: it’s more than enough to cause some serious trouble in your system. Read More →

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