
A Simple Guide to Catalytic Converters

There are millions of cars on the roads of Australia, and each one of them is a potential source of air pollution. Especially in large cities like Melbourne and Sydney, the amount of pollution emitted from the vehicles can create huge environmental problems. Therefore, in order to resolve them, states, cities and governments have established clean-air laws to restrict the amount of pollution a vehicle can emit. And over the years, car manufacturers have made quite a few refinements to fuel systems and car engines in accordance to these laws.

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A Simple Guide to Camping Vol. 1: Toilets

If you’re one of the fewer people that are not big fans of luxury hotels with 5 stars and private jets cause you simply prefer a nice, joyful family vacation that will distract you from your everyday chores, camping might be just for you. Camping is all about the closeness of the family and the friends, the freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want it and the most important of all, the chance to revel in nature. Besides, it’s the perfect vacation plan if you have kids. When kids go camping they get to experience so many things that cannot be taught at school, at home or on the street. It’s important for them to learn how to handle themselves out in the open, to see the animals in their natural habitat and to learn to appreciate what Mother Nature has given us. Camping can provide many valuable lessons for your kids and even if they don’t like it now, they will be thanking you for it in about twenty years or so. Read More →

Truck Engine Buying Guide

The engine is the most important part of any vehicle. In fact, vehicles without engines are basically big tin cans, unable to go anywhere. Truck engines are designed to allow trucks to travel over long distances and to resist heavy abuse on a daily basis without compromising the capacity. However, engines can still break down and require major, costly repairs or replacement, whether because of a malfunction or misuse.

If your engine breaks down, there is not much to do but to start looking for a new truck engine. Buying a new truck engine can be quite expensive, depending on many factors. Whether you are looking for used or new truck engines for sale, here is your simple buying guide that can help you focus on the most important aspects. Read More →

Light Commercial Vehicles AU

Light Commercial Vehicles Buying Guide

Light commercial vehicles are essential part of any fleet and almost every construction company. Heavy-duty trucks and trailers are indeed more powerful, but for transportation of goods or passengers of smaller weight or to a closer location, using a light commercial vehicle is far more cost-efficient. Any vehicle that does not exceed the weight-limit of 3.5 tonnes belongs to the light commercial vehicles class. More compact, smaller and more cost-efficient for carrying lighter goods, the light commercial vehicles are simply perfect for any transportation-related business.

If you are in need of a utility vehicle, you can choose from vans, pick-up trucks, three-wheeled vehicles and many other light commercial vehicles. Regardless of the type it is very important to choose a reputable brand, such as Iveco, Mercedes-Benz, Ford, Citroen, Fiat, Volkswagen or Peugeot. There are many light commercial vehicle brands, but not all stand for reliability and quality. Don’t make a quick decision based on a low price or attractive aesthetics, since there are many brands offering inexpensive but low-quality light commercial vehicles. Research brands on the Internet, read customer reviews and experiences and look for warranty. Read More →


Simple guide to buying a used car

If you’ve decided to buy a used car, you’ve certainly made a clever decision. You can buy a car that is almost as good as new, and you will save a lot of money. Even one-year-old cars have a price which is 20-30% less than the new car models would have cost. Read More →

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