
A Simple Guide to Bringing More Brightness to Your Home
Though darkness can help out with ambiance when you want to get a somewhat more intimate, romantic look, I still wouldn’t give up brightness for anything; mostly because when I first bought my apartment, all the darkness seemed warm, but the more I spent time in it, the more it felt like I actually bought a cave, despite the large windows that had no coverings.
Even if you think you’re more in favour of the darkness, you can’t deny it’s brightness that can bright up a mood, and darkness can lead to monotony. You may try to accept and embrace the fact you live in sort of a cave, but I’m not going to lie to you, it won’t turn your home into a comfortable place. After getting a few complaints from my parents whenever they were over for a visit, I decided it was high time for some long-awaited alterations.
Though I expected it would be more of a Herculean task, with the help of the internet, I came up with some ingenious solutions that saved me from a grand makeover – thank God for the internet! The items that I first had in mind to amp up the brightness, by creating a sense of openness at the same time, were mirrors because of their reflecting properties placed opposite the well-lit areas, but not wanting to risk my privacy being all too vulnerable and exposed despite the darkness, I brought in the roman blind to play.
Roman blinds have long been among the favourites in Australian homes considering they’re simple, yet at the same time sophisticated, so they are suitable for any interior style without creating visual clutter, and still give you the right amount of control over privacy. As for brightness, you have plenty of fabric options to choose from, depending on the amount of light and privacy you’re after, so there’s the right model for everyone.
What I love about the roman blind window covering are the soft folds, the ingenious back batten system, the easy installation, low maintenance, and the pastel tones. When it comes to pastels, as soon as you incorporate their charm in your interior, you immediately level up the brightness. If you can afford it, consider purchasing some pieces of furniture in pastels as well.
I figured if there’s a style that’s all about bringing brightness in, it’s got to be the Scandinavian – bear in mind Scandinavians have rather dark winters, some as up to 60 days or constant night! And that’s how, piece by piece, I started welcoming this style in my apartment, and so far, so good, my home does appear to be brighter. The finishing touches are of course lighting fixtures, but not just any; it’s brightness you want, not more shadows and darkness around, so go for skylights as they provide a soft glow and light up the whole area.

Simple Guide to Choosing Laminate Flooring: Getting on the Wide Board
If you are after a quality laminate flooring solution to make your home feel more spacious and aesthetically appealing, wide laminate flooring is a great way to achieve a luxurious finish in almost any space. The extended width and length of these laminate planks allow them to replicate the sleek and imposing appearance of hardwood flooring while creating the feeling of more space in the room. Read More →

A Simple Guide to the Beautiful Simplicity of Scandinavian Design
What’s up with those Scandinavians and their meticulously designed homes anyway? Maybe spending all those long winters inside gives them enough time to decorate to perfection. If I was confined inside my apartment for so long, the result would be a sofa covered with crumbs and pizza boxes scattered on the floor. But Scandinavians have apparently mastered the art of interior design and were friendly enough to open their doors so that the whole world can revel in it. Even us Australians, all the way from the other side of the planet, can easily find charming Scandinavian designer homewares online to adorn our homes with. If you too want to bring beautiful simplicity into your home, here’s a simple guide to the basic principles of Scandinavian interior design.
Simple but Delightful Homewares
What’s characteristic about Scandinavian homewares is their minimalistic designs and sharp clean textures. This depiction might sound cold, but if you look more closely, you will notice how homey and snugly they fit together. This is because Scandinavian designers create their lines of homewares with the ultimate aim to achieve a functional lived-in-ness. And the result is a style that masterfully blends beauty with practicality. Just by scanning the impressive range of designer homewares online you can come across delightful candles, impressive typography artworks, stunning wall fixtures and geometric prints that give the style a unique touch. And perhaps most distinct are the lighting choices coming in various materials and shapes, from aluminium and chrome, to glass or wood, which are a recognizable piece of the Scandinavian puzzle. For this style, homewares are not just simple details, they are the statement pieces that help achieve the final look. Read More →

Simple Guide to Personalising Your Bathroom
There are things in life we can’t have enough of, and pampering certainly is one of them. Since the typical lifestyle of modern men and women is one making them prone to stressful situations, making time for yourself to actually have some rest and relaxation is more than important. Our homes have a great impact on this, considering they are supposed to be the sanctuary where we recharge our energy which means it’s up to all of us to create oasis that evokes positiveness and makes us look forward to go back to after work. Wallpapers can largely be of help when wanting to spice things up in your home décor and personalise it, considering the vast amount of choices of wallpaper Central Coast NSW shops, and Australia round for that matter, have in store.
When we think of relaxation, we usually have the bedroom in mind, or in some instances the living room as well, but the bathroom also has a huge role in this. It’s time we all started thinking of this part of a home as one that’s not only made for utility, but relaxation as well. This is something wallpapers can help you with as they’re having a great comeback in interior. Bare monotonous walls are no longer in when you have the option of instilling colour with the help of playful prints and patterns. When it comes to unique types of wallpaper Central Coast NSW and Australia wide shops have plenty to offer. Read More →

Simple Guide to Creating a Relaxing Oasis at Home
“Slow, love, slow.” These are the words that start popping in my mind whenever I let my everyday activities and responsibilities leave me exhausted and stressed out. This fast-paced lifestyle of ours comes with a price, and its currency is our health. That’s precisely why today slowing down, taking time for ourselves, and relaxing is a must.

Why Natural Light Sources Matter For a Home: A Simple Guide
Usually, when it comes to lightning choices for our homes, we tend to rely on artificial sources and almost always forget that windows can be the best sources of light for a home because nothing stads the ghost of a chance as to compare with sunlight.
Before we go any further with lighting, let’s see the benefits of darkness. According to the American Medical Association, people who sleep in a less-than-dark room can face insomnia or other sleep disorders, weight gain and depression. This especially goes for children and adolescents who sleep in a room with a turned on TV or surrounded with electrical devices such as mobile phones, tablets or computers.
Unfortunately, seems like everybody is doing it wrong. Playing video games, reading stuff on the net or watching a movie right before going to sleep can seriously damage your sleep schedule and that can lead to other more serious health problems. That’s why getting rid of anything electrical around your bed should be the first thing you do today. Now I know that most of us can’t sleep peacefully without having the phone alarm turned on, but you can turn off your phone’s internet and restrain yourself from using it just before going to bed.
Another really important thing to keep in mind are the outside lights. If your bedroom is close to a powerful light source from the street, you can’t go without a pair of visionwood venetian blinds , shades or dark curtains that will block any external light that may interrupt your night sleep. If however you can’t imagine sleeping in a completely dark room, you adjust the shades as to let a little bit of outside light into your bedroom.
Sleeping in darkness is a biological necessity, but just like your eyes expect darkness at night, they need sunlight during the day. Sun exposure provides a lot of health benefits and the most important of them all is giving your body the much needed daily dose of vitamin D. People who aren’t getting enough sunlight develop serious vitamin D deficiency and that usually happens because they tend to stay closed behind the visionwood venetian blinds, curtains or shades at work or at home and normally get out in the afternoon when the sun is already setting.
Now of course, all of these window treatments help increase privacy and keep your interior nice and fresh when the sun is too powerful, which means they are also really important, but do make sure you don’t use them as sunlight blockers when it’s a beautiful day outside. Th natural light form the sun will make you feel positive, more productive and it will provide your body with the necessary daily dose of vitamin D.

A Simple Guide To Grow Your Magical Herb Garden
What’s a meal without herbs, right? They add a whole new dimension to the food that screams both freshness and deliciousness. Most of us have herbs and spices in our kitchen cabinets, the fresh smell of which we absolutely adore, but have you ever tried producing your own herbs? It’s as magical as consuming them, I promise you. The outstanding variety of herbs will not only enhance the flavor of so many dishes, it will bring peace and beauty in your garden as well. If your garden offers enough sunlight and good soil conditions and you give them your full love and support, your magical herbs will be up and running in no time. The coolest thing about herbs is that they are planter-friendly, so you can even make a little “herb corner” in your own home kitchen. Read More →

The Haze of Hedonism In Your Home Brought By Modern Design
Aesthetics matter. Aesthetics in your home matter even more. One of the best ways to bring aesthetics in your home is with modern architecture. The fundaments of modern architecture are simplicity, cleanness and functionality. Geometric shapes and patterns, minimal colors and clean lines are the essentials to make your home a modern sanctuary for living and comfort. Modern architects never incorporate unnecessary elements and design details and concentrate on clear views of structural elements and a lot of lightning. To keep it simple, modern architects use elements such as steel, glass or concrete and allow the structure to speak for itself. Read More →

What’s Your Dining Room Table Style
They say the fondest memories are made when gathered around the dining table. All the family small talks, wine sipping, mouth watering food tasting, sharing how your day went, laughing and simply enjoying each other’s company, is a bliss on its own. Ah, the simple delights of the comfort zone. And since most housewives care much about what they choose to cook for dinner, how everything is served, the kind of dining plates they serve the food in, the comfort of the chairs and of course, the look of the dining room table, it is more than important to set the right ambiance for the ultimate enjoyment. After all, it is the little things in life that make it meaningful. And since creating a dining room where you’ll love to wine and dine starts with choosing the perfect dining room table, let’s help you figure out which style is best for your kind of personality.