Glowing and healthy skin is one of the most important things that make women feel and look beautiful. Their outer appearance is what makes them happy and attractive. Without it, they are powerless. Although this is not true (inner beauty matters more), the society (read as beauty industry and Hollywood celebrities) has set the beauty standards and women can’t help but follow them.
It’s no secret that since ancient times, women have been desperately trying to find the “cure” for timelessly smooth and radiant skin. They used different homemade remedies like honey, milk, baking soda, coffee, coconut and olive oil. Even today, these are every woman’s best friends when it comes to at-home skin care treatments. However, home skincare treatments are not enough, especially if the problem is blemishes, spots or acne.
Thanks to the continuous technology development, nowadays there are effective combined laser procedures that can make miracles, eliminating the need of invasive skin procedures.
One of the most popular and effective rejuvenation treatments is the Ipl skin rejuvenation treatment, a modern procedure that uses highly pinpointed medical lasers to ensure a flawless skin.
The Ipl skin rejuvenation intense pulsed light is absorbed into targeted cells, causing damage to the particular skin area. This damage gives a miracle-healing response in the skin, without tissue build-up. The skin is ‘forced’ to start to produce new skin cells and replace the old ones, giving you the desired young look.
Ipl skin rejuvenation treatment is way more effective than other skin rejuvenation treatments because of the high intensity and light frequency. The skin between the targeted area stays untouched, promoting rapid healing and fast skin improvements. Another important thing that sets Ipl skin rejuvenation apart from other laser treatments is the fact that it delivers many wavelengths (colours) in each light pulse instead of just one.
This technology also uses filters that help refine the energy output for treating targeted areas. This improves penetration without using too much energy levels, leading to immediate results without side effects. Therefore, you can continue with everyday activities right away. After the Ipl skin rejuvenation treatment, you will have smoother, brighter and more luminous skin. Results can be seen after 10 days, although certain improvements can be noticed after each subsequent treatment.
Whether you have broken capillaries or veins, sun and age spots, redness or freckles, this treatment is your perfect solution. It is the safest procedure that can treat any skin blemish without damaging the rest of the skin.