Every dog barks, no matter how trained and well-behaved it is. After all, it’s in their nature. However, there are dogs that bark excessively, which can be unbearable for you and for anyone living near you. In fact, nuisance barking is probably the number one problem dog owners are faced with. If you’re one of those owners, and you’ve tried everything but nothing works, your last resort is probably a bark collar for your barking dog.
Never choose an anti-bark collar as a first choice for correcting excessive barking, but rather do it as the last resort, since as abovementioned, barking is natural for dogs. Dogs may bark as a response to feeling anxiety or fear, which is completely normal and shouldn’t be forbidden.
If you decide to use a tool that will give your dog a negative stimulus when they behave undesirably, you should always inform yourself as much as you can, and learn how to use them responsibly to protect your dog from psychological trauma and to avoid punishing them for natural and normal behaviour, especially if it’s your first time owning a dog. In fact, anti bark collars shouldn’t be used as a punishment, but rather as a deterrent to negative behaviour.
Source: barkva.org
There are different types of dog anti-barking collars, and just like with all the other dog accessories you need to buy for your dog, such as dog leads, dog bed, bowls, food, toys, etc., you need to do some research to find the right anti-bark collar for your doggy as well. Of course, you can choose the one that seems best for you, but you should also learn about what might work better for your dog’s breed.
Since it’s normal for a dog to bark, regardless of which type of anti-barking collar you choose, you shouldn’t use it all the time or for an excessively long time. The idea is not to make your dog stop barking entirely, and you shouldn’t even want to silence your doggy. The goal is to teach them to stop barking at certain defined times, like while they are alone at home, for instance. Because your four-legged best friend should be allowed to bark since it’s its natural way of communicating.
If your dog keeps on barking excessively, and training doesn’t work, citronella spray for dogs is the most humane anti-barking collar you can buy. These anti-barking collars for dogs work by spraying citronella when the dog barks, irritating their nose mildly. Citronella is an essential oil extracted from the lemongrass plant. People use essential oils for their relaxing properties, and sometimes even for their healing powers. Citronella is also used as a bug repellent, and it’s used in number pet products. However, while citronella is quite pleasant for us humans, for dogs and other animals it smells bad.
When the anti-bark spray collar detects your dog’s barking it squirts a mist of the liquid near their head. This will distract your dog by making them slightly irritated or annoyed, which will make them stop barking. So, over time, your puppy will learn that if they bark they get sprayed. This should make them stop barking excessively.
Although citronella dog collars are gentler than other collars, the essential oil isn’t completely safe for the dog. In large quantities, it can be toxic to animals and it can cause irritation to the intestines or to the lungs. Furthermore, don’t forget to read the instructions carefully, because there are different citronella dog collars. For example, some will spray as soon as you put them on, which means you’ll have to turn them off before placing them on your doggy.
Source: ozpack.com.au
As the name suggests, ultrasonic collars use sounds to stop your dog from barking. Dogs have incredible hearing, and while you wouldn’t be able to hear it, the sound emitting from the collar when your dog barks will be irritable for your dog. However, these sounds aren’t harmful to your doggy.
Like the previous type, ultrasonic collars are considered to be a more humane way of correcting a barking problem than vibrating or electric shock collars. So, when your dog starts barking, the collar should detect the sound and emit a sound that should irritate your dog enough to distract them and make them stop barking.
Source: topdogtips.com
While it’s more humane than a shock collar, an anti-barking vibrating collar is still less gentle than ultrasonic or citronella dog collars. Like the others, they can be an effective tool for teaching your dog not to bark excessively in some situations, like when they are alone at home.
Some people use vibration collars to get their dog’s attention. However, it’s really important that you don’t use the collar for both training them to stop barking and for getting their attention, because this will confuse your dog, and you won’t be able to correct the unwanted behaviour.
An anti-barking vibrating collar comes with different intensities and they can work automatically by detecting the barking and vibrating, or you can press a button on a remote control to make it vibrate yourself when you think it’s necessary.
Many people avoid electric shock collars and go for a citronella spray for dogs or another type of collar instead because they are a more humane anti-barking device. However, even though electric shock sounds scary, and it is a more irritating stimulus than the other options, the shock administered by the collar is safe and isn’t going to do any physical harm. Like vibrating collars, shock collars come with different intensities.
Furthermore, most of them will beep or vibrate before the shock as a warning when the dog starts barking, which is why many dog owners are reporting that their dog’s behaviour improves very fast, and after a few shocks they learn to stop as soon as they feel the vibration or hear the beep.