
First-Time Parents Guide: Tips for Choosing Baby Toys
Being first-time parents is a scary thought because we initially don’t think that we could take proper care of another human being. But with all the people around us, and honestly, the internet, there’s no information that we can’t find. Read More →

A Simple Guide to RC Buggies: Hand-Sized Excitement
You’ve probably found yourself many times, not knowing how to spend your free time. It’s the weekend, again, and you have nothing to do. You wish you could go outside and do something exciting, with the air and the world around you. You reminisce about the times you played sports with your friends, but they’re all busy now or living in different cities. If you’re lost like this, and you’re looking for a fun, social hobby, then you might be interested in RC vehicle.
RC, which stands for remote-controlled, means that you control the mini-vehicle from a distance, offering you a wide range of possibilities to have fun. Now, you might be thinking “isn’t that a kids’ toy?”. The answer is no; it is not a kids’ toy. RC vehicles are for all ages as they allow fast-paced fun with a lot of quick thinking. And there is a diverse community of enthusiasts you can connect with.
Also, they come in a variety of types, such as RC cars and RC trucks which differ from one another in many of their features. But from all the available types, perhaps the most thrilling version is the RC buggy. These are modelled after a real-life buggy car, matching both their looks and off-road capabilities. This article will focus on this type and how to pick the right one, especially since it’s super popular in Australia with a large, social community.
Things to Consider
Kit or Ready-to-Ride?
The first thing you should ask yourself in order to find the right buggy RC car for you is whether to go for a kit or a ready to ride (RTR). If it’s a kit, you’ll need to construct it yourself and paint it. If you don’t want to injure yourself or others, or for it not to work, you’ll have to build it flawlessly. But, if you’re not a big fan of the building process, you can get an RTR, which is already built and painted for you. With that in mind, you should also choose the right size and colour you want. All buggy models come in a scale-ratio to the original and have the same colour scheme.
However, it’s not all just about aesthetics. The most important thing about a buggy RC car which determines everything else is the motor, as it regulates the speed and power. Your choice of motor also has an impact on the kit and RTR choice. As such, there are two types, electric and nitro. If you choose electric, then you can also go for a kit. But, if you go for nitro, which is more complex, it’s best to get it RTR. This is due to the finer details of the machinery and safety.
Electric vs Nitro Motors
If you go for an electric motor, the benefits are that it’s cleaner, more efficient as the car instantly speeds up and that it’s easier to maintain. But, it does have limited run times, and recharging can take a while. The choice of battery is also crucial, as there are brushed and brushless. If you want a cheaper, less powerful option, then you should choose brushed. But, if you want a powerful battery that lasts, then brushless is the right choice for you.

source: rccaraction.com
But, if you want something even more powerful, with longer run times, and a more natural feel, you should go for a nitro engine. You can easily spot these as they have an exhaust pipe. The exhaust pipe also makes a difference, as different material and shape allow for more power. Although the car can be more expensive, and more can go wrong. They do after all have a more complex system in which you also have to put in gas.
Furthermore, depending on your choice, make sure to pick the right RC wheels. Also, check whether your drivetrain is adequate. Just like regular vehicles, there are 2WDs and 4WDs. With 2WDs, two of the wheels get all the power (either front or back), and the other two control the direction. A subtype of this is RWD. While with 4WDs, all four get the power.
A Good Remote Controller
Of course, the buggy doesn’t just drive itself. You control it from a distance using a remote controller. This controller then sends signals to the receiver, which commands the car. If you want to take your buggy and drive it over longer distances, you need to have a larger possible connection between the controller and receiver.
Furthermore, you need to be sure that the controller has all the options you need, and that you can use them. Some models come with an LED display where you can see speed, battery life, etc. On top of this, they have multiple channel options for frequency and multiple model options. So, you can use several cars with the same remote. Finally, some of them also have a fail-safe, so they stop in case of a flat battery.
What’s Your Fun?
Nevertheless, you can get the most expensive and high-spec RC buggy in Australia, and it still wouldn’t be for you. As such, you need to ask yourself first, how and where will you use it? If you plan to use it at home or on-road, then a buggy probably isn’t for you. This is due to their design and extra features that make them most suited for an off-road experience.
For example, pretty much all buggy models are waterproof and are made out of sturdier materials. Moreover, they have better suspension and stabilisers. Therefore, they offer a safer ride if you’re going on rocky paths or rivers. They won’t get stuck, and their motor won’t get easily damaged.
Finally, make sure that you’re up to the task. You shouldn’t only focus on the location and if it’s safe, but also on your own skill level. If you’re relatively new to the RC world, you should get a beginner model. As they require less upkeep and have a weaker engine, they are easier to use. As you slowly progress and become more comfortable, feel free to get an expert one. Otherwise, you risk spending all of your money for nothing, as you can’t control the speed and you’ll crash it.
All in all, if properly used and if you have the knowledge to do so; you will enjoy a great deal of fun, competition, and social connections with a buggy. You’ll meet new friends, compete with them, and be amazed at the turns and speed you reach with fluid movement.

Simple Guide to STEM Toys: Prepare Your Kids for the Future
Playing is an integral part of children’s development. Even the simplest games we play with our children serve a much bigger purpose than just amusement. Toys and games, no matter how simple, can play a big role in the development of children’s language, communication, motor skills etc.
Even adults can learn better through play, but for kids, play is essential for learning. It’s the way they experience the world around them. With the help of games they gradually discover how the world looks and works. They can learn the basic concepts of mathematics and science, like counting, with the help of blocks, shapes, balance with a balance board, as well as problem-solving with puzzles.
“Play is the highest form of research” – Albert Einstein
Children’s curiosity and ability to absorb knowledge through play is something that should be taken seriously by parents and caregivers. It can be nurtured in a way that will provide the child with a strong foundation for their future education, and professional development. And this is where children’s educational toys and games, also known as STEM, come into play.
What Is Stem Education?

STEM education is a curriculum choice in schools, that stands for four academic disciplines: science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Basically, it’s a way to learn a range of disciplines in an intertwined manner, rather than learning them separately, through real-world applications.
Though somewhat controversial, with some claiming to be the best approach, to fill a gap of shortages of graduates in these fields, and others claiming that’s not really the case, one thing is certain – the STEM approach aligns perfectly with the way children learn about the world.
What Are STEM Toys?

STEM toys are specifically designed to teach kids through fun the four academic disciplines – science, technology, engineering and mathematics. As such, different toys will have different focuses: from the simpler ones, focused on learning about shapes, coordination, and simple logic, all the way to coding, robotics, chemistry, mechanics, construction, maths etc.
With the rapid change of the world and the digital and technology revolutions, these are all things that children should start to understand from a young age in order to be able to function in the world better. However, these are complex notions that the young brain will have trouble figuring out. That being said, with children’s educational toys and games, pre-schoolers can progressively develop motor skills, language skills, logic, robotics, coding etc. through genuinely fun playing.
Choosing the Right STEM Toys for Your Child

Educational toys have existed since always, but STEM-based products have gained a lot of popularity in the last years, making it harder and harder to choose a toy that’s right for your child. So, what should you consider when choosing such toys and games?
It’s obvious that age is the first factor to take into account in order to find toys or games your child will accept. For older kids, of course, you can just ask, and not always, but sometimes they will know what will really interest them. However, beware of buying something too complicated for their age, so as not to make them feel frustrated.
However, for younger kids, it can be a little bit more difficult. Children are not copies of one another, so just like with clothes, not all labels match all children. Use the age indications as guidelines, rather than strict rules.
Playing with your children and knowing what they consider to be fun, as well as trying to understand their predispositions as much as possible will help you choose a toy that works in a way that your child already enjoys. Furthermore, to prevent your child from developing aversion towards some subjects, you could try different fun things to incite their curiosity and to encourage their learning.
To do this you can also opt for educational games for kids that can include the family. You know how much your child wants to spend time with you, and play with you. Try to find family educational games, not only to add more learning to your playtime, but also to teach your child to play with others, cooperate, share, in other words – to further develop their social skills.
How many incredible questions are you answering every day? Take advantage of your child’s desire to know the “whys” and the “hows” of everything, and try finding toys and games that will let them have fun while experimenting, exploring, finding answers on their own, thus developing their self-reliance, self-esteem, critical thinking and imagination.
Though this one is an obvious one, it’s worth mentioning. Physical activity is essential for kids development. So, besides getting them things like a micro scooter to keep them moving, also consider getting STEM toys that will activate them. Pick toys and games that instead of making them a simple observer assign an active role as an explorer, builder, scientist etc.

A Simple Guide to Balance Boards – Improving Kids’ Stability and Motor Skills
Although we might take balance for granted, it is nevertheless a skill that needs some time to develop. It took us all a lot of falls and bruised knees before we mastered walking upright on both feet. If you want to give your toddler a little helping hand with his/her coordination and balance skills, there’s no better way to do so than with the help of a balance board. Read More →

Simple Guide to Educational Toys: How They Benefit Your Child’s Development
As a parent, you are probably aware how important play time is for having a joyful toddler. But are you aware of the effect toys can have on your child’s development? It’s no secret that a child’s brain is like a sponge and takes in all the outside stimuli it’s exposed to on daily basis. This means that even the toys your little ones play with have the power to shape their future development. Read More →

A Simple Guide to Why Skateboard Bags are a Thing
The beauty of skateboarding is that it’s a sport that doesn’t require a designated location. You can basically whip out your skateboard wherever you can find a piece of relatively smooth concrete or asphalt and do your thing. Well, that’s actually not entirely true. There are a lot of places where skateboarding is not allowed and in those situations, you wouldn’t want to drag your skateboard along with you. I mean these boards can be heavy. This is why skateboard bags are a must-have. Read More →

Childrens Play Equipment: An Investment Your Child Will Enjoy for Many Years
It would be nice to have a small amusement park in your backyard so that your children are occupied the entire day playing, laughing and screaming of joy. It would also be nice to have a nanny employed for keeping them safe while they play and give them food, while you do all the chores in the house, do your hair and nails, and even have a relaxing massage. Ah, the dreams of every full-time mother on the planet.
While it’s hardly possible to have an amusement park in your background, it’s very easily achievable to have a small playground that can still keep your kids busy for a while, and give you enough time to at least get the house in order. You don’t really need a lot of stuff, kids can be busy and happy and entirely turn off the world around them with just some play swings. But hey, if you want to get more elements (great for you if you can and have the conditions for a larger playground) please finish that project. Your kids will be endlessly happy. So, before you rush into buying random childrens play equipment, consider these few guidelines. Read More →

The Ultimate Guide to RC Cars (Rebels Know Why)
My RC cars passion is my favourite way to deal with any frustration. The rest of the world can just go to sleep while I have the remote in my grip!
Rebel Rebel, your toys are awesome
Rebel Rebel, childhood forever in blossom
My own version of David Bowie’s haunting refrain of Rebel Rebel always plays in my head when I am at the peak of my game!

Guide to Choosing the Right RC Toys
Radio Controlled (RC) toys are undoubtedly one of the most favoured toys for both boys and girls from all ages. And how they wouldn’t be when they bring so much fun and excitement into the children play. In fact, aside from being a great source of fun, RC toys are proven to enhance children creativity and provide an array of benefits for the development of their motor and cognitive skills. Read More →